Elite Tactical Force
Elite Tactical Force aims to provide the best possible service, but if we should, in your opinion, fall short of the high standards we set, there is a redress procedure which you can use.
Our Approach
Elite Tactical Force value its customer’s thoughts and feelings
Elite Tactical Force welcomes constructive criticism as an opportunity to learn.
Elite Tactical Force staff will listen and take a note of any complaints in a non-judgmental and courteous way.
Elite Tactical Force staff will apologies if they are in the wrong.
All complaints should be recorded in the Complaint File to allow Elite Tactical Force to improve its services.
Front line staff are empowered to deal with any minor complaints.
If the front line staff are unable to rectify the complaint then staff should report the matter to their line manager who will investigate the circumstances and record the outcomes.
If the situation is not resolved then the line manager will inform the Chief Executive of the situation.
The Chief Executive will acknowledge in writing, the receipt of any complaint, (normally within 48 hours).
The Chief Executive will undertake to investigate the circumstances leading to the complaint.
The Chief Executive will communicate the results of the inquiry to the complainant within twenty-one days maximum.
The Complainant shall have the right, if dissatisfied with the results of this inquiry, to put his/her case personally to the Board of Trustees.
Where appropriate Elite Tactical Force shall make a written apology (signed by the Chair of the Board of Trustees) to the complainant.
A record shall be kept of all complaints and the Management Committee shall be regularly informed of the number and nature of any complaints and the action taken.
If the complaint is directed against the Chief Executive, it shall be handled by the Chair of Elite Tactical Force Board of Trustees.
Equality and Diversity
We aim to be an organization that values, recognizes and responds to the diverse needs of members and those we serve. We adhere to the Equality Act 2010 and will not discriminate against any person or other organization with particular reference to the protected characteristics
Monitoring and Review
The Senior Management Team, with adequate consultation of the Board of Trustees, will regularly review the operation of this policy.
Agreed by Elite Tactical Force Limited
Date: 11/01/2023