Elite Tactical Force
This policy sets out how Elite Tactical Force will manage conflicts of interest arising from the operation of the Board of Director’s business.
Why we have a policy
The Board members have ultimate responsibility for all actions carried out by their members, contractors and themselves. The Board is therefore determined to ensure the organization inspires confidence and trust among its members, client/guests and suppliers by demonstrating integrity and avoiding any potential or real situations of undue bias or influence in the decision making of the Management Committee.
This conflict of interest policy respects the following principles (which are those promulgated by the Nolan Committee for use in public life):
The Committee understand they have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of the organization and in accordance with their governing document – Memorandum and Articles
Conflicts of interest may arise where an individual’s personal, or a connected person’s interests and/or loyalties conflict with those of the Board. Such conflicts may create problems such as inhibiting free discussion which could:
Result in decisions or actions that are not in the interests of Elite Tactical Force and
Risk the impression that the Board has acted improperly.
The aim of this policy is to protect both the organization and the individuals involved from any appearance of impropriety.
The Declaration of Interests
Accordingly, we ask all our Board members to declare any relevant and material interests, and any gifts or hospitality received in connection with their role on the Board.
Interests that may impact on the work of the Board and should be declared include:
Any directorships of companies likely to be engaged with the business of Elite Tactical Force
Gifts or hospitality offered to members of Basingstoke Voluntary Service by external bodies and whether this was declined or accepted in the last twelve months
Payment to a Board member and/or their organization for a service provided to Elite Tactical Force
Private or personal relationships with a Contractor providing services to Elite Tactical Force (e.g. a family member, partner), or
Any other conflicts that are not covered by the above.
A Declaration of Interests form is provided for this purpose. To be clear, it is the potential, rather than the actual benefit from which the conflict of interest arises which requires authority.
To be effective, the declaration of interests needs to be completed prior to appointment, then updated at least annually or when any material changes occur. Should there be any doubt on what to declare, the Board Member should err on the side of caution.
All interest and gifts will be recorded on the Board’s Register of Interests which will be maintained by the Company Secretary. This register will be accessible by all members of the Board and as per the Data Protection Act 1998, for the purposes only to ensure that the Board are acting in the best interests of Elite Tactical Force. The information will not be used for any other purpose. Signing the Declaration of Interest form will also signify the Board Members consent to their data being processed for the purposes set out in this policy.
Managing Conflicts of Interests during Committee meetings
Any trustee who has a financial interest in a matter under discussion, should declare the nature of their interest and withdraw from the room, unless they have a dispensation to speak.
If a trustee has any interest in the matter under discussion, which creates a real danger of bias, that is, the interest affects their, or a member of their family or household, more than the generality affected by the decision should declare the nature of the interest and withdraw from the room, unless they have a dispensation to speak.
If a trustee has any other interest which does not create a real danger of bias, but which might reasonably cause others to think it could influence their decision, they should declare the nature of the interest, but may remain in the room, participate in the discussion, and vote if they wish.
If in any doubt about the application of these rules they should consult with the chair.
Equality and Diversity
We aim to be an organization that values, recognizes and responds to the diverse needs of members and those we serve. We adhere to the Equality Act 2010 and will not discriminate against any person or other organization with particular reference to the protected characteristics
Monitoring and Review
The Senior Management Team, with adequate consultation of the Board of Trustees, will regularly review the operation of this policy.
Agreed by Elite Tactical Force Limited
Date: 11/01/2023